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What’s a UX copywriter all about?

Big results. Tiny effort.

It’s the smarter way to do copywriting, business, and life.

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“There’s too much to do, I don't know where to start.”

Ever felt like this about your website OR when you sit down to write copy?

So, instead of writing, you organise your downloads, drink coffee, and daydream about running off to Italy.

If only there was an easier way to write profitable copy.

There is! It involves talking to your users, followers, friends, family and anyone else who might have the problem your product solves and sharing your work early on (rather than obsessing over it #guilty)

Of course, it’s not quite as simple as that. That’s why The UX Copywriter exists.

It’s a place you can visit to equip yourself with the UX copy tools to write profitable copy with ease.

What we stand for (and against)

The UX Copywriter Manifesto

The UX Copywriter is more than a website, it’s a movement.

If you’re just starting to dig into what UX copy is, this will get you up to speed in less than 2 minutes. It may change your life (or at least the way you write copy).

values not perfect

Look, we’re not perfect, that’s part of our charm.

We reject perfectionism because it slows us down and stifles creativity. Instead, we release copy fast and get feedback to make it exceptional (even if it’s more painful than squeezing blistered feet in tight sandals).

values long haul

We’re in it for the long haul.

We love quick wins but understand success is a long game, and we’re in it to win. Continued support and relationship building are cornerstones of success.

values heroes

Our users are our heroes.

This is why we see our users’ success as our success. We invest a shit tonne of time in understanding our readers, possibly more than we spend crafting copy for them because UX copy is built on data.

values curious designers

We’re curious designers at heart.

Our inspiration comes from observing human behaviour and the physical world, rather than obsessing over competitors.

We know that copy is a design skill first, literary skill second.

We embrace design thinking to ensure our copy works across platforms, pages and interfaces. Every button, menu, and confirmation message is an opportunity for improvement (and to have fun — we’re a bit weird like that). We’re always finding ways to make our writing clearer.

values no meanies

No cliques or meanies

Our words are inclusive, accessible, and intentionally welcoming to all, which means more diverse customers for everyone.

The UX Copywriter knows trust, understanding, and empathy are better ways to get sales than making people feel shit about themselves.

It helps keep us motivated too, because, let’s be real, navigating the tumultuous seas of online marketing can, at times, feel akin to being slowly roasted over an open flame.

the ux factor

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(It’s copywriting advice, served differently)

Hey! I’m Susan Reoch

(sounds like “Reebok” without the “b”)

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UX, copywriting, online business, and ocean pool lover.

Four years ago, I quit my steady job to chase an entrepreneurial dream 34 years in the making. 

I’d spent 7 years working as a UX Writer at Booking.com and Senior SEO Copywriter in agency-land…

…and I quickly noticed two things.

Thing 1. My copywriting clients lurved my UX insights. 

Thing 2. Many (if not most) marketing and e-comm websites offered a shockingly bad user experience.

I also noticed when $20k months became the norm.

Even better, I was applying my own process to my online business and seeing year-on-year growth.

It validated what I already knew, UX and conversion copywriting go together like Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson… 

“It’s electrifying!”

I created this dedicated UX copywriting learning platform because there’s nothing like it on the planet. Not a book. Not a podcast. Barely an article.

In the past, you had to read up on UX design and take multiple conversion copywriting courses before smooshing all the conflicting advice together.

But not anymore. The hard work’s been done for you.

Whether you’re a copywriter or online business owner, I want you to know, you’re right! There’s an easier, faster and better way to write copy.

And kudos to you, because you’ve found it.

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Let’s get started, shall we?

Instant courses & resources

Work directly with Susan (the original UX copywriter) and learn her secrets inside the high-touch, game-changing group programs.

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Microcopy Micro Course

(FREE) Discover how to write the tiny phrases that lead to more sales.

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Sublime Sales Calls

Want to win bigger, better copywriting projects and jump on calls with unwavering confidence?

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Ultimate UX Web Copy Guide

(FREE) Learn the six steps to writing high-converting UX web copy.