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When I started “UX writing”, I didn’t know what it was because it didn’t have that name yet. We just called ourselves copywriters.

I’m a rule follower.

We’re talking didn’t-really-have-fun-in-my-teens level of obedience.
So it seems contradictory that I have so much trouble being told what to do. If you tell me to do something, I’ll do the opposite. Go figure.

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My husband loves it.

And by “loves”, I mean “tolerates”.

“Let’s sit by the window”, he’ll casually mention in a cafe.

It’s as if my legs suddenly have a mind of their own, propelling me toward the table wedged between the toilet door and kitchen.

Where you can tell me what to do?

A tricky little thing called a “call to action” or “CTA”. If you’re doing it right, they should appear all over your website.

They have a massive impact on conversion, thus how much money you make. So let’s dive into everything you need to know about website calls to action.

What are CTAs?

Just like it says on the label, calls to action are the devices that move people from one place on the internet to another.

These powerful words usually appear on buttons or as a hyperlink directing people to make a decision.

When the website visitor selects a CTA by clicking or tapping the user interface, they proceed to the next step.

Why are CTAs important?

I’m just going to say it. These are the most critical words on your website, app, podcast, quiz or any other digital product.

You only have a few characters to persuade users to move on to the next step in their journey.

People generally experience anxiety around clicking a button.
So it’s super important that the words you use reassure or excite.

Bad examples of call to actions

The worst example of calls to action is not to have any! However, there are plenty of other common CTA mistakes I see every day.

Ineffective CTAs are:

Unclear: This is not the place to be playful at the cost of clarity. If users don’t know where they’re going, they won’t click.

Long-winded: Keep it short for people who are looking to take decisive action. They should be able to “get it” in a nanosecond.

Deceptive: There’s nothing that’ll turn your customers away faster than being disappointed after they click on a CTA that promises the world.

Generic: It’s hard not to fall into the “Learn more” trap, but you can do better.

About you: Don’t tell them what you’ll get out of it, that doesn’t motivate people.

Stand-alone: So often, I see CTAs thrown in as an afterthought. They don’t work within the rest of the copy. Remember, these are the most important words. They deserve thoughtful consideration.

Reused: If you’re already working as a UX writer, you’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s relatively common practice for designers and developers to pull copy from other places on the website. The problem with this is:

A. They’re not consulting the word wizard in the organisation (that’s you).

B. If that copy has been translated, you have no idea if it still works in other languages. (Hint, it doesn’t.)

How to write the best calls to action

Ok, now you just need to flip the script from above and make sure you actually have website calls to action. You do? Awesome.

You can make them work even harder by making them:

Specific: Consider what happens when the user clicks the website CTA and reflect that experience.

For example, rather than just having “buy” for every button in the purchasing process, you might have “Add to cart”, “Checkout”, and then “Make payment”.

Short: Use words with max 2 syllables and skip articles like “a” or “the”. For example, “Make a payment” becomes “Make payment”.

Emotional: This is especially important when you’re closer to the top of the funnel, and there is less intent from the user. For example, in a blog post or landing page, you’ll have to trigger emotions to convince them to click through.

Original: This is not to be confused with overly creative calls to action that can be off-putting to your visitors, but don’t just chuck in “learn more”. Take the time to consider every website CTA you write.

Contextual: Think about where the user is on their journey. Longer (more conversational) CTAs might be appropriate in a blog post, for example, whereas during a checkout, users are in action mode and expect short directions.

Powerful website CTAs go beyond the words on the button. It’s best practice to include reassurance in the form of social proof or authority around the CTA. For example, you’ll often see how many people have already subscribed near an opt-in form. If you’re about to make a credit card payment, you expect to see something written about security.

Imperative: It makes sense that if you want someone to take action, you start with an action word. Imperative sentences are those used to give a command like “Pay now”, “Start saving today”, or “Get help”.
About them: Write CTAs from the perspective of the users. Ask yourself, “What are they going to get out of it?” Emphasise that.

And there you have it – the ins and outs of crafting irresistible website calls to action. Remember, your website CTAs are the virtual gateways between your customers and the magic you provide.

It’s your final persuasive push. So, take what you’ve learned today and give your CTAs everything you’ve got.

Want to make your CTAs more appealing than a hip speakeasy-style bar and as easy to find as Mcdonald’s?

Learn how to write CTAs that will work their digital buns off for you with the free Microcopy Micro Course.

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